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Results for 'Lipitor Atorvastatin Weight'

Atorvastatin - Does atorvastatin cause anxiety and panic attacks?

Anyone having extreme anxiety and panic attacks as a side effect from taking this. I read on this website one other person had the same reaction to... read more

Taking lipitor for several years, 3 mths ago started getting bad hip leg pain, could it be lipitor?

I've tried exercise and pain medication, to no avail, and I'm wondering if it could be the lipitor. A pharmacist told me... read more

Discontinue use of atorvastatin calcium 40mg tablets?

In order to discontinue use of atorvastatin calcium 40 mg tablets which I have been taking for 8 days at the dosage of 1 per day with 81 mg... read more

I usually take my lipitor before bedtime, this morning I accidentally took it AM, will this be ok?

I usually take my lipitor before bedtime, This morning I was not paying attention and took it along with my blood pressure medicine. Will this... read more

Can Lipitor affect libido?

Atorvastatin - Help! I can't find any answers to my question online?

I suffer from cramp and leg pain after being on my feet working for a few hours. Doc says my cholesterol is high and given me Atorvaststin 20mg. What... read more

How does everyone feel about taking atorvastatin?

I have been taking atorvastatin for 6 months and would like some feedback on side effects and how they affected anyone since they have been... read more

How long does atorvastatin stay in the system after stopping the drug?

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